Author Archives: Andy Ferris

Why Are Glass Walls A Great Addition to the Office?

Office with glass partitionsIn recent years open plan offices have become increasingly popular amongst business’ the world over. Following on from the examples set by the likes of Google and Microsoft we came to believe that working openly would lead to increased productivity and more social work environments.

However, having implemented open office environments many companies are beginning to see that they aren’t all they are cracked up to be. In fact, recent studies suggest that open plan offices don’t actually boost productivity as much as first imagined. Glass partitions however, are an excellent solution to the potential pitfalls companies are facing due to this previous trend. Let us explain:

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Do Open Plan Classrooms Have a Negative Effect on Learning?

Open plan classrooms have a negative effect on learningAs a result of current architectural fashion many schools, both primary and secondary, have opted to introduce open plan classrooms and large teaching areas. And just as open plan offices have been criticised for their lack of privacy and their employee’s decreased ability to work productively, research suggests that there is an urgent need to revaluate these designs in our educational facilities.

A great deal of research has been conducted in relation to children, teachers, and school environments whether concerning teaching styles, teaching methods, the bare wall theory or as we’ll discuss here; open plan learning.

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Creating flexible space in hospitals and surgeries

One of the challenges to our health service is the influx of unscheduled patients. Managing bed availability and placing patients in appropriate beds can become a logistical problem when capacity is reached. Whilst the hospital staff are not able to magic more beds from thin air, there are ways to make the wards more flexible in terms of segregation. Infection control is high on the priorities of hospitals and cross-infection can easily occur in hospital wards.

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Moveable Walls and Adaptable Interiors – The Future of Living?

You may have noticed the increased prices in renting a property and the dMoveable Walls and Adaptable Interiors ifficulty of obtaining a mortgage for first time buyers. And since getting on the property ladder is becoming an increasingly difficult task there is a rising level of “inter-generational” living.

What is “inter-generational” living we hear you say? It is simply the case whereby parents, children and grandchildren are living under one roof; a trend which continues to rise as youngsters can’t afford moving out costs.

Therefore architects across the globe are getting creative and finding a solution to the problem in the form of moveable walls and adaptable interiors.

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Folding Wall House Emphasises Light

There are countless innovative and original architectural projects in design and production across the world every year. Yet there are rarely designs which truly cause us to stop, think and stare in awe at not only the aesthetic design but practical elements too.

This month we’d like to introduce to you this beautifully constructed home which proves how one wall, no matter how large or small, can completely transform a space.

Design Challenges

When architect firm NHA DAN Architect stepped in to create this magnificent home they had their work cut out for them.

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Graffiti Walls Can Tell A Story Too

Believe it or not history can tell stories all across the world simply by showing us walls, whether still standing or nothing but a few remains. Think about it, the Great Wall of China depicts ancient boarders which protected the Chinese Empire from nomadic tribes or the Western Wall in Israel which many believe was the original Holy Temple.

But what about graffiti? This form of street culture is seen by many as destructive and possibly a little provocative with bold and uncompromising topics. With origins in gang culture, who favoured this form to mark their territory, graffiti is no longer seen as such a taboo but increasingly looked upon as a form of art allowing individuals to express ideas and statements.

So not only can we learn from ancient walls and other structures but increasingly we can look to graffiti for political, cultural and ethical messages of our time. Why don’t you take a look at a few of these famous messages in the form of graffiti:

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The World’s Most Famous Walls to Visit in the New Year

Most of us have a Bucket List, whether we’ve written it out and had it laminated or keep a rough copy we constantly add to in our heads.

They typically include activities such as skydiving, swimming with dolphins and African safari’s.

But why not add one of these to your lists?

Okay, so we might be a bit biased, but these walls are magnificent man-made spectacles, or in fact slightly odd sites which have become hot spots for tourists – take a look for yourselves.

1.The Great Wall of China

Built back in the 14th Century, The Great Wall of China can even, according to some, be seen The Great Wall of Chinafrom space.

Stretching an astonishing 8,850 kilometres long the wall is built along an east-to-west line across historical northern boarders of China with the aim of protecting the Chinese Empire from attack of nomadic tribes.

Want to visit? There are many tourist spots along the wall including the most famous location of Badaling. For those of you who wish to steer clear of fellow tourists and stick to more rural routes head for the Huangyaguan and Shanhaiguan sections.

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PVC Curtains Enhance Free Flow Play at Schools

It seems that for children, play is the language of childhood in which they are encouraged to use props, devise rules and immerse themselves in their imaginations all the while encouraging behavioural development, brain growth and cognitive skills.

According to Play England, this concept of Free Play is defined as “children choosing what they want to do, how they want to do it and when to stop and try something else”.

Child development theorist Tina Bruce states that the scale of involvement in play is hugely important as “concentration is the greater predictor of academic success”. This suggests that the encouragement of free flow play nurtures the ability to deeply focus in later life, harnessing academic success and creative thinking.

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Bespoke Folding Partitions and Walls

As a manufacturer of folding walls and partitions for buildings of all kinds, we can make your room partition exactly how you want it. We aren’t phased if you have a room with irregular height ceiling areas or if you need your partition to curve around an awkward area of the space.

We will assess your premises and design a solution to match your needs perfectly, then we make the fabric concertina style partition in our factory to your exact specifications including colour and install it with the minimum of disruption to your school or business.

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