Monthly Archives: May 2015

Moveable Walls and Adaptable Interiors – The Future of Living?

You may have noticed the increased prices in renting a property and the dMoveable Walls and Adaptable Interiors ifficulty of obtaining a mortgage for first time buyers. And since getting on the property ladder is becoming an increasingly difficult task there is a rising level of “inter-generational” living.

What is “inter-generational” living we hear you say? It is simply the case whereby parents, children and grandchildren are living under one roof; a trend which continues to rise as youngsters can’t afford moving out costs.

Therefore architects across the globe are getting creative and finding a solution to the problem in the form of moveable walls and adaptable interiors.

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Folding Wall House Emphasises Light

There are countless innovative and original architectural projects in design and production across the world every year. Yet there are rarely designs which truly cause us to stop, think and stare in awe at not only the aesthetic design but practical elements too.

This month we’d like to introduce to you this beautifully constructed home which proves how one wall, no matter how large or small, can completely transform a space.

Design Challenges

When architect firm NHA DAN Architect stepped in to create this magnificent home they had their work cut out for them.

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